Dig Deep Vision

This special 3-session excursion is a professionally guided journey through The Exude U Vision process. The Excursion includes a downloadable Discussion Guide and weekly Zoom calls with our learning community. This powerful group experience is a focused a voyage that will help ignite your astounding potential and bring your dreams to life, NOW! Find your […]
Dig Deep Values

This special 3-week excursion is a professionally guided journey through the ExudeU Dig Deep Values process. This Excursion includes a downloadable Discussion Guide and weekly Zoom calls with our learning community. A voyage that will ignite your astounding potential through a unique group experience that is focused and will bring your dreams to life, NOW! Find your […]
Atlas of the Heart

We are excited to announce the first book Excursion of ExudeU! Every successful traveler knows the value of a good Atlas. So, for our spring excursion, we have chosen Atlas of the Heart, the most recent work of social psychology researcher Brené Brown, to be our guide on the path to understanding the internal world of […]